Escape from Tarkov Twitch Drops
The time is now friends, we can finally be rewarded for watching our favorite streamers on Twitch. Many of us gain a lot of understanding and learn new tactics through our streamers and now we can earn precious loot items while watching. Let’s look at exactly how we can set this up.
How to Earn Twitch Drops in EFT
There are four steps to earning in-game loot just by watching EFT streamers on Twitch, let’s take a look.
Step 1: Own EFT and Setup an Account
Clearly, to earn in-game items you will need to own the game and have your account setup. So, if you haven’t already, head to EFT’s website and pre-order the game so you have access. They are also doing a 25% off promotion right now (December 27 – January 5) so you can get in on that.
Step 2: Create and Link a Twitch Account
Next, you simply need to create (if you do not already have one) and link a Twitch account. Head to to create your account and the signup button should be bright purple in the top right corner, super hard to miss. From there you will want to link your Twitch and EFT accounts together which can be done in your profile on EFT. You can also click the link under a participating streamers video shown below.

Step 3: Watch and Earn
Once you have your accounts linked, head to one of the participating streamers listed at the bottom of the page and start earning. You will be able to see on the stream whether or not the stream is participating as it will say “Drops are Enabled” on the stream.
Step 4: Escape
Now you can jump in the game and extract with your new items. Pretty awesome thing that we can be rewarded in-game for watching some of our favorite streamers.
Participating Twitch Streamers with EFT Drops Enabled
kotton | CeMKa | anthony_kongphan | irokezzina | smoke | beastqt | silentsentry | domontovich | hc_diZee | insize | stereonline | bakeezy | jennajulien | denly | mrfalll | moondye7 | klean | anton | maihopawango | chickenprism | fortyone | drlupo | whiteydude | shuretv | pestily | flamehopper | knueppelpaste | geekseh | sacriel | likebutterlive | moczy | eligorko | partiallyroyal | operatordrewski | drinno | torusmastaz | quattroace | c_a_k_e | H4nsMeis3r | skykhoqua | slushpuppy | honeymad | peebro | mick3y54 | dangheesling | combat_cypress | chappie | amnesiaffs | f1ashko | ellohime | thomaspaste | scatmanok | markstrom | wackyjacky101 | anderzel | danexert | znorux | unclebjorn | orzanel | animaleeeeeeeeee | willerz | alanzoka | hayz | baddie | tweak | skipnholive | armuttv | kiings | As2piK | break | fuzzface49 | m4rtinqst | jediredseven | gius | ktvsky | shina4 | sequisha | dahmien7 | hitoki | mrxavito | worrun_ | asmadey | wtfmoses | nemerethtv | grimmmz | cohhcarnage | beb8p | cris_rolan | veritas | kriszhadvice | rasty_airsoft | withoutaim | ghostfreak66 | aimlul | sheriff_live | wildostin | deadlyslob | pow3rtv | dayzru | professor_akimbox | abraxsus1983 | luki | fairtx | rik_leah | aethos | luxxx_maximus | fugglet | robn_live | agent | LVNDMARK | furl3x | rustyk_ | barbonetatuato | mad_ruski | g0tohell | saltyleon | bibixhd | madenemy | ghostthellama | sasslyn | bobek_zklobouku | makarimorph | glitzyphoenix | scudpunk | bounty92 | mastersnakou | gmart | shnumi | burcay | Matzui | haematl | shuretv | carpnplay | maza4kst | hayaplays | sigma_ink | claymorettv | meyer_tv | hellsusan | siraaerios | CovertGG | morloft | hypergl | skaavtv | cpt_miilller | mrpapabaer | icelaptop | skumator | CrossFireX | namyung | inigomontoya | subject8 | cucu0015 | nofoodaftermidnight | inky | svetlogor | damieee | onepeg | instill | theblindshogun | deegoeslive | party__pineapple | itsballu | thedevildoggamer | defekt | pentapan | jasonsulli | thereal_mccoy | Dextravaganza | pik_tv | k0fest_pubg | Tonyshoshone | dobbykillstreak | piosz | kagaminium | totallyacro | DottyHack | prophet_fmj | keksville | ulqi | DThzTV | queenjilicious | kinared | undacavascav | dunduk | ramenstyle | krashed | vQ_GH0ST | eazyshot7 | rasalghulthenf | lanvirion | wbexp | EhhDannn | ravenwits | larsen | weekey94 | enerfunk | realgzuz | lestatrog | welfek | etoleto | ren0809k | likeahero | wprotvbanke | ewanhc | RevoLucius | lotharhs | yoryi88 | ape_fist